Sunday, May 26, 2019

Intercessions - Ascension (2019)

The Ascension of the Lord
Thursday, May 30, 2019

The ascended Christ will return to us
in the same way that he left,
with his hands extended in blessing.
Therefore, we worship in great joy
and pray with deep confidence,
lifting our hearts to God as we sing/say:
"May your Holy Spirit guide us into truth."

For our siblings in Christ,
martyred or persecuted for their faithfulness, particularly N.
{pause for silent prayer}
That as Christ knows their humanity through the Incarnation
and their suffering through his cross,
they may know the victory of his Resurrection and Ascension,
let us lift our hearts to God: (R)

For the church throughout the Diocese of N.,
especially and our Bishop, N.
{pause for silent prayer}
That until Christ’s return in glory,
the church may fulfill his commission
to proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth,
let us lift our hearts to God: (R)

For those baptized at the Christian Passover,
or during this great fifty-day season of Easter, particularly N.
{pause for silent prayer}
That with the eyes of their hearts enlightened,
they may know what is the hope to which God has called them,
what are the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints,
let us lift our hearts to God: (R)

For the earth and its peoples, especially N.
{pause for silent prayer}
That the leaders of nations
may glimpse and embrace the new creation
in which peace, justice, and reconciliation reign,
let us lift our hearts to God: (R)

For those who suffer from sickness or other forms of need,
particularly N.
{pause for silent prayer}
That set free from their afflictions
they may shout to God with loud songs of joy,
let us lift our hearts to God: (R)

Let us remember the dead, particularly N.;
{pause for silent prayer}
and that the dying may find hope
in the triumph of Jesus over death,
let us lift our hearts to God: (R)

The Presider or Intercessor concludes the Prayers of the People with the following collect:

We make our prayer to you, O God,
in communion with all the saints on earth and heaven,
with the martyrs and the faithful of all ages,

and in the name that is above all names, Jesus the Christ,
who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
far above all rule and authority, power and dominion,
now and forever. Amen.

A simple, accessible setting for the suggested response is here:

Please provide appropriate acknowledgement and only reproduce for use in your congregation.

“The Ascension of Jesus,” by Miki de Goodaboom

1 comment:

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