Monday, April 29, 2019

Intercessions - Easter 3C (2019)

Third Sunday of Easter
May 5, 2019

It is recommended that the response to the biddings in the Prayers of the People be sung. A simple, accessible setting for the suggested response is here:

Please provide appropriate acknowledgement and only reproduce for use in your congregation:

"Turn Our Grateful Hearts," text by D. Jay Koyle. Copyright c. 2015, D. Jay Koyle, All rights reserved. Reproduced with permission. Music by Normand L. Blanchard. Copyright c. 2015, Normand L. Blanchard. All rights reserved. Reproduced with permission.

Even if there is no one is baptized or engaging in an intentional renewal of baptism (including Confirmation, or Reception into the Anglican Communion) in your congregation during the Paschal Triduum or the Season of Easter, you are encouraged to pray for the newly baptized and those renewing their baptismal promises.

The Deacon or Intercessor introduces the Prayers of the People in the following or similar words:

Let us lift our hearts to God, as we sing/say:
“Turn our grateful hearts into lives that bring you praise.”

For the church of Christ throughout the world,
especially The Anglican Church of Kenya,  
and Jackson Ole Sapit, its Primate.
            {allow a time of silent prayer}
That all who are signed by the cross
may perceive the risen Christ at work in their daily labours,
let us lift our hearts to God: (R)

For the newly baptized, especially N.;
{allow a time of silent prayer}
that knowing the Bread of Life at this Table,
they may recognize his presence at every table of their lives,
let us lift our hearts to God: (R)

For those made to suffer for their faith, especially N.;
{allow a time of silent prayer}
that their persecutors may renounce oppression and violence, 
and all of us better perceive the image of God 
in those of every culture, ethnicity, and religion,
let us lift our hearts to God: (R)

For the nations and peoples of the earth, especially N.;
{allow a time of silent prayer}
that those who hold power over others
may be troubled and transformed
by the demands of peace and justice, let us lift our hearts to God: (R)

For those who fish the oceans, seas, and lakes;
{allow a time of silent prayer}
that those whose livelihood depends on boat and net
may be protected and sustained on the waters,
let us lift our hearts to God: (R)

For all afflicted by sickness or need, especially N.;
and for all who grieve, especially those who most keenly miss N.;
{allow a time of silent prayer}
that their mourning may be turned into dancing,
let us lift our hearts to God: (R)

For risky hospitality and confident witness by this congregation;
{allow a time of silent prayer}
that our lives will persuasively testify
Christ has been raised and is alive,
let us lift our hearts to God: (R)

The Presider or Intercessor concludes the Prayers of the People with the following Collect:

O God,
whose risen Christ always surprises us with his presence,
quicken our sight to recognize signs that he is near,
embolden our wills to respond to his voice,
and make us prompt to follow where he leads,
that all people may know the abundance of his blessing
and the whole creation come to voice with us
the praise and honor of his name.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, the risen Savior.  

Detail of “Breakfast at Dawn,” by Mike Meyers

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