The Day of
Sunday, June 9,
have not received a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear.
have received a spirit of adoption.
us pray with confidence, then,
the one who hears and answers when we ask,
we sing/say:
“May your Holy
Spirit guide us into truth.”
God who orders all things for the common good,
we pray for the church.
We hold before you the Church of the Province of Myanmar,
and its Archbishop, Stephen Than Myint Oo.
We pray, too, for this Diocese, and our Bishop, N.
{pause for
silent prayer}
Set us aflame with the Spirit’s power.
Cause hearts to overflow with courage and conviction.
Announce in word and witness the marvels you have done.
We pray to you, O God: (R)
God who makes of us joint heirs with Christ,
we pray for the newly baptized,
who, with us, have been given to drink of one Spirit,
{pause for
silent prayer}
dreams and visions.
tongues to prophesy.
of us signs of your Spirit,
in the heavens and upon the earth.
We pray to you, O God: (R)
O God, you open your hand
and fill your creatures with good things.
We pray for every nation under heaven, especially N.
{pause for
silent prayer}
Let the good news resound in every tongue.
Kindle gladness in all your works.
May your glory endure now and forever.
We pray to you, O God: (R)
God who hears the cry of those in need,
we pray for all who know poverty or displacement, particularly N.
{pause for
silent prayer}
Come, Father of the poor.
Come, generous Spirit.
Set free and restore the creatures you have fashioned.
We pray to you, O God: (R)
How manifold are your works, O God of wisdom!
We pray for the health and wellbeing of creation.
{pause for
silent prayer}
forth your spirit.
the face of the earth.
our hearts to rejoice in all your works.
We pray to you, O God: (R)
Abba! Father,
we pray for those weighed down by despair,
suffering from addiction,
or burdened by illness, particularly
{pause for
silent prayer}
Deliver them from fear.
Fill them with hope.
Give them to know the glorious liberty
of those you adopt and name as your children.
We pray to you, O God: (R)
God of yesterday, today, and forever,
we remember those whom we love but see no longer, especially N.
{pause for
silent prayer}
Have mercy on the Beloved.
Awaken both the living and the dead.
Raise us into the splendor of endless Easter.
We pray to you, O God: (R)
The Presider concludes the Prayers of the
People with the following collect:
God who hears and answers prayer,
you have turned our Lenten ashes
into the life-giving fire of Pentecost.
Like the first disciples in Jerusalem,
send us out into the streets
proclaiming your wonderful works.
Together, may we stand as a sign and foretaste of your Kingdom,
a covenant to the people,
a light to the nations.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ,
the Risen and Ascended Lord.
A simple, accessible
setting for the suggested response is here:
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