Monday, April 1, 2019

Intercessions - Lent 5C (2019)

Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year C
April 7, 2019

That we may perceive the new thing God is about to do in our midst
and declare God’s praise before the world,
let us pray to the Lord singing/saying:
“Remember, O Lord, your faithfulness and love.”
“Remember, O Lord, your faithfulness and love.”

Let us pray for the church throughout the world,
especially the Church of Ireland,
and its Primate, Archbishop Richard Lionel Clarke.
That through our Lenten observance
we may trust Jesus enough to follow him on the way of the cross,
we pray to the Lord: /R/

Let us pray for all who prepare for baptism
or for the renewal of baptismal vows at this Christian Passover,
especially N.
That they will regard everything as loss
because of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus as Lord,
we pray to the Lord: /R/

Let us pray for the youngest members of our congregation and Diocese,
especially N.
That your people of every generation may grow
in their desire to know Christ and the power of his Resurrection, 
we pray to the Lord: /R/

Let us pray for the nations of the earth, especially N.   
That the paths we walk will prove wide enough for all peoples –
for the homeless, aliens in flight,
prisoners, and those on the margins of society,
we pray to the Lord: /R/

Let us pray for those who suffer sickness or need, especially N.
That all who sow in tears may reap with shouts of joy,
we pray to the Lord: /R/

Let us remember the dead, especially N.
And that the mouths of all who mourn may be filled with laughter,
their tongues with praise and joy,
we pray to the Lord: /R/

The Presider concludes with the following or another Collect:

Creator God,
you prepare a new way in the wilderness
and your grace waters the desert.
Help us to recognize your hand
working miracles beyond our imagining.
Open our hearts to be transformed
by the new thing you are doing,
so that our lives may proclaim
the extravagance of your love for all,
and its presence in Jesus Christ.

Collect from Revised Common Lectionary Prayers, copyright © 2002 Consultation on Common Texts.

“Mary Anoints the Feet of Jesus,” by Julia Stankova.

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